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Shihan Khalid Mehmood Qureshi Certification

Shihan Khalid Mehmood Qureshi was awarded 5 Dan Black Belt, Branch Chief, International Certs From HONBU JAPAN, on Sat,March 11, 2023 by Shihan Raja Khalid Mahmood Janjua, President World So-Kyokushin Pakistan at Raja’s Martial Arts HQ So-Kyokushin Pakistan Civic Center Bahria Town ISB. Sensei Shahid Naeem, Along with Respected Guest Raja Zia Janjua and Others were present.

Shihan Raja Khalid Mahmood
Branch Chief
World So-Kyokushin Pakistan



We, World So-Kyokushin (Sensei. P.Chinnusamy, Tamilnadu Branch – India ) conducted STATE LEVEL OPEN KYOKUSHIN KARATE CHAMPIONSHIP – 2023 on 05-03-2023 at Salem, Tamil Nadu, India. More than 500 fighters participated around Tamil Nadu state enthusiastically. They shown their skills in Kata and Kumite nicely. The Winners were honored by Trophies, Medals and Certificates too.

We thank our beloved officials for giving us wonderful opportunities. We’ll surely do the best in the following days.

Osu shihan!!!
Yours faithfully…
Tamilnadu, India .

Brazil Kyokushin Kyu Graduation Test

On March 12, the Karate Kyokushin Kyu Graduation Test was held in the Canoas city-Brazil.
120 students participated in this event.

Yours sincerely,

Shihan Valmir Teles
SoKyokushin – Brazil


Regional Karate Kyokushin Tournament – Brazil

On March 12, the Regional Karate Kyokushin Tournament took place in the Canoas city-Brazil.
The event was a great success and had the participation of athletes from several cities in southern Brazil.

Yours sincerely,

Shihan Valmir Teles
SoKyokushin – Brazil

The Third Iran Open Sukyokushin tournament

We were able to hold a big competition with the participation of about 600 players from Iran, Libya, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Turkey in Kata and Kumite section in Tehran. the competitions were shown live on Iran national TV Sports channel. This championship was organized by Shihan Vahid Bahreman and sponsored by Borj Sazan Illiya company.
We also managed to hold the Third Iran Open Sukyokushin tournament. Cash prizes, medals and exquisite cups were awarded to the champions as below:
– The first place of tournament is awarded to Mr. Nima Feyzi.
– The second place of tournament is awarded: Mr. Behzad Oujaghi.
– The third place of tournament is awarded: Mr. Mohammad Javad Gorgzadeh.
– The forth place of tournament is awarded: Mr. Mojtaba Alishah.
– The fifth place of tournament is awarded: Mr. Meysam Karbalayizadeh.
– The sixth place of tournament is awarded: Mr. Mehran Ganjali.
– The seventh place of tournament is awarded: Mr. Shahram Shirvani.
– The eighth place of tournament is awarded: Mr. Saeed Fadakar.

Best regards
Shihan Vahid Bahreman

Report Norwegian So Kyokushin Winter Seminar

Weekend 24-26 of February we held our winter seminar in Tromsø, this year Shihan Hugo Perez from Canada was the main instructor. This was Shihans second trip to Tromsø, he was also our main instructor at the 2019 summer camp
It took place in our dojo, we were happy that the renovation of the dojo was finnished just in time to the seminar.
Shihan took time to teach one class for the children on Thurseday before the seminar, he also teach Monday after in the kumiteclass.
Seminar startet with a low and a high grade class on Friday, the students was exited many of them have not been trainig with instructors from other countries. Saturday it was 3 mixed classes and Sunday one mixed and one for the high grade. And it all ended with a Kyu test for the low grade, 16 students took part in the test and it went well for everybody.
As always with Shihan Hugo the standard of teachin was high, we were drilled in exercises with speed in idogeiko, differnt ways of moving. We did also kata bouth for low and high grade, Shihan Hugo is up to date on So Kyokushin kata so that was useful for us. We did several kumite exercises with block and conterattack. We did also several rounds of sparring.
Ha also had focus on dojo etikette and Kyokushin spirit, he reminded us about the importance of a good kiai.
I am very happy about the seminar, it was more than 50 students registrated and almost all blackbelts from our dojo stood on the line. We had also visitors from Finnsnes and Harstad, we are always happy when students from other dojos visit us. I will thank them and hope see them again at our summer camp in June.
I will thank Shihan Hugo Perez for his effort to give us a good seminar. It was good afterwards to see the students happy and tired faces.

Best regards
Norwegian So Kyokushin
Bjørn Willumsen


Kuwait 1st police Academy championship

Today Sokyokushin Kuwait Branch make a big successful
1st Police Academy championship for officers Students ,

That championship organize by Sensei Saad Almehjan Kuwait Branch Chief

I hope this news is good for Hanshi Daigo Oishi

Branch Chief Syed Dildar Hussain Shah Certification Ceremony

Shihan Syed Dildar Hussain Shah was awarded 5 Dan Black Belt, Branch Chief, International Certificates From HONBU JAPAN,in Sat,March 4th 2023 by Shihan Raja Khalid Mahmood Janjua, President World So-Kyokushin Pakistan at Raja’s Martial Arts HQ World So-Kyokushin Pakistan Civic Center Bahria Town ISB.
Candidate National Assembly NA 62 Rawalpindi Azmat Ali Mubarak announced as a special Guest of the Ceremony
Apart from the Chief Guest Azmat Ali Mubarak Advocate, Respected Guest of Honor Madam Senpai Hina Mehreen Branch Chief, Asghar Ali Mubarak founder President South Asian Sports Jounalists Association, Sensei M.A .Raj, Waqar Hussain, Muhammad Qasim, Raja Tasadeq, Khurram Shahzad, Dil Faraz Khan, Mubasher Hussain, Raja Adil Ali, Raja Sikandar Sultan. , Raja Shayan Ali, Dr. Atiq, Senpai Raja Ahtsham Fazal Branch Chief , Senpai Tasadaq Hussain, Senpai Moiz Khalid, Sensei Aneeb Butt, Sensei Majid Mughal, and others guests of honors participated in World So-Kyokushin Karate certification ceremony held at Raja’s Martial Arts World So-Kyokushin Pakistan Headquarter Bahria Town Islamabad.

Branch Chief
Shihan Raja Khalid Mahmood
World So-Kyokushin Pakistan


The 10th Open Championship and the Moscow Championship

On February 24, 2023, the 10th Open Championship and the Moscow Championship took place in Moscow.
Our organization Rostov-on-Don Agadzhanyan-Oishi Dojo was attended by 8 students .
Our students took the following positions:


So-Kyokushin Oishi dojo is always on top and always raises the name of the school Hanshi Daigo Oishi!

Regards David Agadzhanyan !


All Russian Championship among children and juniors in the Moscow

All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Public Organization «So-Kyokushin Karate Federation» on February  11 and 12, was held  All Russian Championship  among children and juniors  in the Moscow Region. Nearly 350 participants took part in this Championship.

Special Kyokushin Karate summer training – Brazil

On February 12th, in the Canoas city, we held a special Kyokushin Karate summer training.


Shihan Valmir Teles – Brazil

Recent report in Kuwait

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第6回 世界総極真 福井県空手道選手権大会
第11回 世界総極真 福井県恐竜王国杯(初中級クラス)
第6回 福井県極真空手道「型」選手権大会

開催日: 令和5年8月11日(金・祝) 入場無料
午前9時    選手受付
午前9時30分 開会式~試合開始
午後5時    閉会式(予定)
会 場: 福井市体育館) 〒910-0003 福井県福井市 松本4丁目10-1
TEL: 0776-20-5394
試合形式: 国際空手道連盟ルールールに準ずる
参加費: 組手の部 7,000円
型の部  7,000円
ダブルエントリー 8,000円


>組手試合 サポーター・防具に関する注意点




〒910-0846 福井県福井市四ツ井1丁目21-1
社団法人 国際空手道連盟 極真会館 世界総極真 福井県今城道場 大会事務局
TEL:0776-54-3013 / FAX:0776-61-6885 / 携帯:090-7087-3113(今城)


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