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New Honbu Dojo-Brazil NEW

I am sending this email to inform you that Honbu Dojo-Brazil has been completely recovered after being brutally hit by a major flood in May.

These were very difficult days but with a lot of work we managed to rebuild and return to activities.

On July 14th we held a graduation test at our Dojo located in the city of Canoas. 150 people were there and the event was a great success.

The tournament in the South Governate of lebanon

On 30 june 2024 i held the first (ASC) tournament in the South Governate of lebanon under the sokyokoshin name.

Report Kyu & DAN test SoKyokushin italy


Kyu & DAN examination tests for SoKyokushin Italia took place on Friday June 21st and Sunday June 23rd 2024 in Parabita Lecce Italy. The exams  stretched for about 4 hours with test of stamina and endurance, basic techniques Kihon, Kata, Kumite and  knowdledge of Kyokushin History. The Technical Italian board was formed by Shihan Casto Samuele, Shihan Cazzetta Antonio, Shihan Centonze Luciano, Shihan Greco Roberto. This Kyokushin Karate event signed the end of training period before the summer stop. Our Karate activities   will resume in September 2024. We wish everyone a happy summer holidays! Osu

Sokyokushin  Kids  tournament  in southern Italy

On June 1, 2024, a Sokyokushin  Kids  tournament  took place in southern Italy, reserved for children aged up to 10 years.

The Sokyokushin dojo of Parabita (hombu dojo Italy Branch), Dojo Sannicola, Dojo Parabita participated in this event for a total of 70 athletes!

This event was organized by Shihan Casto Samuele, with the patronage of the sports promotion – CSEN.

International Seminar with Shihan Cameron QUINN 2024 – Szczecin, Poland

On June 7-9, 2024, the HUSARIA Dojo, led by Shihan Radek the Branch Chief & Country Representative of Poland, organized the fourth edition of the IKO World So-Kyokushin International Seminar. This year, 180 fighters from 10 countries came to Szczecin, Poland, including over 100 black belts. Our head instructor was Shihan Cameron Quinn (Australia), a long-time friend and interpreter for the creator of Kyokushin Karate, Sosoai Masutatsu Oyama, who responded positively to Shihan Radek’s invitation. This year’s seminar was devoted to kihon and its applications, with particular emphasis on techniques banned in sports fighting, but extremely useful in real combat and self-defense. The seminar took place in a friendly, even family atmosphere. The participants not only improved their knowledge of martial arts but also made new friendships and strengthened existing ones. All participants had a great opportunity to meet each other during the Sayonara Party with live music and dancing 🙂 . The culmination of the seminar was a Dan Test, which took place at the front of an International Board chaired by Shihan Cameron Quinn (Australia), Examination Board consisted of : Shihan Radek Ambroziak (Poland), Shihan Casto (Italy), Shihan Nodari (Georgia), Shihan Jonas (Hungary), Shihan Zembrzuski (Poland), Shihan Godoś (Poland), Shihan Pietras (Poland), Shihan Borowiec (Poland), Sensei Falko (Poland), Sensei Kos (Poland). We would like to thank all participants for their trust and ubiquitous smiles and friendship. We are already inviting you all to the next IKO World So-Kyokushin International Seminar, which will take place on June 6-8, 2025 in Szczecin, Poland. We would like to thank the authorities and the Sports Department of the City of Szczecin as well as the Management of the VULCAN Hotel and the Management of the VULCAN&CONSULTANCY Training Center for their support. Great OSU!!!

Report Norwegian So Kyokushin summercamp

7-9 of June we held our summer camp in Tromsø, it took place in the dojo as it normally does.

This year we had Shihan Svein Dallavara 6. Dan as instructor, he is a Norwegian Shihan with more than 40 year in Kyokushin.

More than 60 students from 4 different dojos took part in the camp, all together it was 6 training sessions, kyu and Dan test at the end of the camp.

We had from our dojo 4 students for shodan, they are now waiting for the result

It was a lot of focus on kumite, movements and stabil possision in Shihans teachin, he had also many good exercises for kicking technics.

Shihan pointet out the importance of sharpness in the basic technics as a good fundament for kata and kumite. Ha showed us some good exercises.

We will thank Shihan Svein Dallavara very much for sharing his knowlege with us and for a very good camp.

Best regards

Norwegian So Kyokushin

Bjørn Willumsen


Photo Sven Jonsson

A seminar and a KYU test, Siberia

25.05. – 26.05. 2024. A seminar and a KYU test took place up to 6 Kyu, during the seminar, the emphasis was on working out and polishing the Qatar technique: Taikeku sono-iti, sono-ni, Taikeku sono-iti, sono-ni Sokurov, each kata was performed 1200 times, followed by OFP and SFP, despite the monotony and Due to the debilitating condition, severe SFP and OFP, the students overcame difficulties and passed the exams for the appropriate student degrees. There were few students due to the fact that many children and adults got sick with measles and rubella, I got sick a lot, so there are few students. Congratulations, OSS! 😊🥋👊👊👊 Sincerely, Sensei Alexander Golovnin

The Snow Leopard Cup competition

On 05/18/2024, the Snow Leopard Cup competition was held. The students of Golovnin Dojo, the Krasnoyarsk Regional Union of Public Associations of Martial Arts “KYOKUSHIN KAIKAN KARATE-DO” performed worthily 1. Daria Ishkova 11 years old – 1st place 2. Tolkachev Fedor 14 years old – 3rd place 3. Gorbacheva Alina 14 years old – 1st place 4. Denis Fokin 9 years old – 3rd place 5. Denis Klimin 12 years old – 1st place 6. Yargin Igor 9 years old – 1st place–
Sincerely, Sensei Alexander Golovnin

May 19, 2024, “NOVICH CUP”, Kazan

World So-Kyokushin Kaikan, OFSOO Russian National Karate Federation So-Kyokushin Kaikan.  May 19, 2024, “NOVICH CUP”, Kazan.  More than 170 athletes from white to blue belt.

 Remember that performing at a tournament is not only a sporting success, but also an experience for personal growth and development.

 And it doesn’t matter who won this competition today, the main thing is that everyone felt the atmosphere of the holiday, the atmosphere of cordiality and goodwill, mutual respect and understanding.  And most importantly, we received a boost of energy and a lot of positive emotions!  Dear guys, you competed well today, and your fans cheered for you very well, and this undoubtedly gave you strength.  Congratulations to the teams!  We wish them to be strong, dexterous, fast and always friendly, strengthen your health.

Many thanks to the organization “Russian National Karate Federation So-Kyokushin Kaikan”, “National Karate Union” and all the trainers of the organization!  And also to the President of the RNFKKK, IKO Branch-Chief of Russia Shihan Ilsur Fazdalov and Vice-President Shihan Azat  Fazdalov. 

The Rostov Region Championship was held in Rostov-on-Dogu

On May 26, 2024, the Rostov Region Championship was held in Rostov-on-Dogu. 
Our athletes from the So-Kekushin Agadzhanyan-Oishi Dojo organization took part in the event. 

out of 19 participants took prizes 


8-🥇, 3-🥉 and 8-🥉.
1-🥇, 1-🥈 and 1-🥉.
group 1-🥇
Regards David Agadzhanyan! 

Polish Fullcontact Karate Championships

Polish Fullcontact Karate Championships – Report

Over 500 fighters from 55 dojos and as many as 12 fullcontact karate organizations took part in the Polish Fullcontact Karate Championships, which took place on April 6, 2024 in Kołobrzeg, Poland. IKO World So-Kyokushin Poland won a total of 43 medals, including: 15 gold, 14 silver and 14 bronze. It is also worth noting that the Szczecin Husaria Dojo (IKO World So-kyokushin) took second place in the general classification. The event was organized by the Kołobrzeg Kyokushin Karate Club BUNTAI headed by Sensei Paweł Falko. The championship was held under the Honorary Patronage of the Embassy of Japan in Poland and the Patronage of the Mayor of Kołobrzeg, Anna Mieczkowska. The main referee of the Championships was Shihan Mariusz Godoś (So-Kyokushin) and the technical referee was Shihan Sławomir Dubiel (WKB). Thanks to such a large cast, we had the opportunity to admire the fights of the best players from Poland and even Europe, from many organizations. The competition was held on 5 tatami, which made it difficult to know which one to focus on, as there were so many exciting fights! Each mat was run by a professional FightSystem IT system managed by Shihan Radosław Ambroziak and his Husaria Team, thanks to which the competition ran very smoothly and without interruptions. The entire event could be followed live thanks to the broadcast provided by SparingPartner Wiktor Bias. The winners of the senior categories during the Polish Championships, in addition to diplomas, medals and cups, received one-off financial scholarships. The financial scholarships are half covered by the funds of the Polish Fullcontact Karate Organization and the other half by the funds of the Championship organizer. OSU!!!

Russian National Karate Federation So-Kekushin Kaikan. Kazan April 28, 2024 KUMITE discipline

World So-Kyokushin Kaikan.  Russian National Karate Federation So-Kekushin Kaikan.  Kazan April 28, 2024 KUMITE discipline.

 This tournament left no one indifferent, the fights were bright, technical, charged with positivity and adrenaline, the younger ones looked up to the older and older participants.  The fights were loud and colorful!

 The spirit of the competitions filled not only the athletes with good sports energy, but also the team representatives and parents.  Well done guys!!!

 We express our gratitude to the President of the Russian National Federation of Karate Kyokushin Kaikan, IKO Branch-Chief of Russia Sihan Ilsur Ilgizovich Fazdalov, as well as the coaches of the Russian National Federation of Karate Kyokushin for organizing and holding the competition!

 The Championship was attended by 17 teams and more than 250 athletes from Japan, Kazan, Leninogorsk (Republic of Tatarstan), Kukmyra (Republic of Tatarstan), Moscow, Moscow region, Leningrad region, Samara, Ivanovo, Izhevsk (Republic of Udmurtia), Volzhsk (Republic of Mari El  ), Krasnoyarsk, Chaikovsk (Perm region), Chelyabinsk region, Tuymazy (Republic of Bashkortostan).

 Let every victory become a new step towards great sporting achievements.  The winners and runners-up were awarded individual cups, medals and certificates.

 See you again!  Osu!

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