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The inaugural open Kumite-Workshop for ALL knockdown fighters (U.K.)

On the afternoon of Saturday 27th April 2013 students from 5 different dojos across the country travelled to Glasgow city centre train together in Sensei Prasanna Fernando’s SOKYOKUSHIN-Fernando Dojo. This was the inaugural event of a planned series of OPEN KUMITE WORKSHOPS aimed at developing good relationships between the various full-contact Karate dojos in Scotland.

The inaugural open Kumite-Workshop for ALL knockdown fighters The inaugural open Kumite-Workshop for ALL knockdown fighters uk_130506_3

Eighteen students including 9 black belts introduced themselves to one-another as they warmed-up in the dojo before the class started. Formal training began with 2-minute silence in recognition that previous day marked the 19th anniversary of Sosai Oyama’s death. Sensei Prasanna then led the warm-up and kihon consisting of a 100 Tsuki and Mawashigeri.

After the warm-up students worked in pairs to practice fighting combinations instructed by Shihan Ian Rodger, 5th Dan (from Oban & Lochgilphead dojos). Shihan encouraged students to compare different types of the inside low kick and to pay attention to hitting the exact same spot with consecutive strikes.

The next part of the class was instructed by Sensei Stephen McCann (from the Lyceum dojo, Edinburgh). Under his instruction students worked a single 4-technique combination, breaking-it-down and building-it-up until it became fluid and effective. Sensei Stephen then emphasized the effeteness of “working a pause” before adding a 5th technique to the combination.

For the last period of tuition Sensei Prasanna encouraged students to practice open-hand techniques that would useful in both tournament fighting and self-defense situations.

The final part of this knockdown workshop was of course dedicated to sparring. This was an opportunity to test the effectiveness of some of the techniques and combinations that had been practiced earlier. It was also a fantastic opportunity to practice fighting exponents of other styles outside of the tournament setting.

The members of the SOKYOKUSHIN-Fernando Dojo United Kingdom  would again like to thank all those who travelled to join us for a great training session.


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Ukraine Cup “UBK” April 27 2013

April 27 Simeize Yalta in Ukraine was “Cup” UBK “in Kyokushin karate at the event attended by about 130 athletes from Yalta, Simferopol, Simeiza, Alushta, Alupka, Foros, Massandra, Partenita, Fishing, Kahovka (Kherson region) and Sevastopolya.

Organizator chief referee Solodovnikov Dmitry national judge.

Many karateka showed not only good technical training but also the rightmental attitude before the fight is very important for victory.

Well and correctly fulfilled the judiciary, where he was held preparatory work.

We wish them good luck and new victories on the mat, Osu!!

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DKO fighting event (Denmark)

DKO fighting event

Saturday 20. of April DKO held the first fighting event in order to prepare those of our members who want to participate as tournament fighters in particular Belgium and the Scandinavian Open.

There were many good fights, especially among boys and men where the standard has increased lately. However the junior girls, a little unexpected, seemed less clear on the task and fought more randomly without much strategy. The younger girls however, had a god standard.

The judges gave an ok effort, but it was evident that it have been some time since last and for some there was some lack of routine. It may yet be obtained, since this year there is series of official courses held by Shihan Budtz.

The event was held in a good spirit and fulfilled its mission in preparation for the international assignments for both fighters and judges.


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Kyokushin Karate Martial Arts Seminar (Norway)

Kyokushin Karate Martial Arts Seminar (Norway)
Tromsø April 26th-28th 2013


Træningsstævne april 2013 (Denmark)

Kontakt Karate Træning – Stævne
Lørdag 20. April kl. 14.30

Træningsstævne april 2013

kata seminar(southern Sweden in Stora höga kyokushin Dojo)

Shihan Robert Wiklund visited and had a kata seminar March 23 to 24 in southern Sweden in Stora höga kyokushin Dojo .



27 APRIL 2013

27 april 2013 junior tournament kyokushin karate Ukraine Yalta. organizator Solodovnikov Dmitriy.


Kumite Workshop on 27th April 2013 (United Kingdom)

Kumite Workshop on 27th April 2013
Glasgow United Kingdom

Kumite Workshop

March 30-31 Championship of Russia (kumite). Kazan, Russia

March 30-31

Championship of Russia (kumite).
Kazan, Russia



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