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2nd Kyokushin Karate International Seminar United Kingdom in 2015

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2nd Kyokushin Karate International Seminar United Kingdom in 2015

I wish to inform with great happiness that the Kyokushin Karate international seminar held in Stirling, Britain on June 19, 20 and 21st ended on a successful note. The seminar was conducted under the patronage of President Hanshi Kazuyuki Hasegawa, Sensei Takuma Kouketsu and Shihan Roel Wildeboer of the Netherlands. Everybody showed a special interest for the special skills Hanshi Hasegawa imparted this time. On that occasion, advanced studies of Kyokushin Karate Kumite techniques, foot work, Kusushiwaza and his some favourite techniques was taught. Shihan Wildeboer shared a formal knowledge regarding Ido geiko,Kata and Bunkai among everyone. Sensei Takuma who became he World Champion twice led Kihon and displayed some Kumite techniques with kick-shields akin to him.

The Kyu/Dan examination was held on June 20 and 21st under the patronage of Hanshi Hasegawa,Shihan Wildeboer and Shihan Fernando  and on that occasion Sathmi Fernando, Britt Mulder was successful for the Shodan while Ian Cameron was successful in the Nidan. Everyone participated at the 30 Men Kumite held on the final day and its speciality was the opportunity given for everybody to have a fight with Sensei Takuma.

Everybody spent their time for 3 days with great enjoyment and cordiality while on Saturday the 20th morning Sensei Takuma’s 34th birthday was collectively commemorated. The Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Russia and United Kingdom participated for the seminar this time and the accommodation facilities, seminar venue and meals provided by Stirling University was satisfactory for all those who attended the event.

”I should bestow my heartfelt thanks to President Hanshi Kazuyuki Hasegawa here for his kind patronage to develop our branch which is a very small Dojo undergoing a process of development.

Sensei Claus Sloth Ahihara Karate from Denmark, Sensei Kuznetsov Pavel from SoKyokushin Russia,Sensei Michael Hoshino from Goju kai Germany, Sempai Suraj Rajanayaka from Kudo Daido-Juku England,Shihan Callum Dick from Gojukai Scotland who came over especially for this seminar. We hope to launch the 3rd Kyokushin Karate International Seminar in June in the year 2016 and wish to extend our invitation to all Sokyokushin and other Kyokushin Karate organisations”. Osu!

~The Seminar was organized by the United Kingdom Sokyokushin led by Shihan Prasanna Fernando~

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